The deadly threats of Hizbullah and Iran
“WE have the patience needed to destroy the Jews and spread Islam throughout the world,” one Iranian Islamic fundamentalist said recently. “After all, we have been weaving carpets for thousands of years. The decadent West doesn’t understand what patience is.”
Below I attach a photo montage concerning Iran and its Lebanese client militia Hizbullah. It should be emphasized that the threat posed is not by Iran as such, but by the Islamic Republic of Iran, and its sympathizers and fellow travelers elsewhere.
-- Tom Gross
(For more on Hizbullah, click here.)
Even though Israel had withdrawn completely from Lebanon six years earlier, and even though the United Nations had passed resolutions calling for Hizbullah to be disarmed, prior to the Israel-Hizbullah war of 2006 the UN did virtually nothing to stop the flow of weapons to Hizbullah – weapons which were then used to randomly kill Israeli civilians.
The photo above, from 2002, shows the UN’s blue flag and
Hizbullah’s yellow flag (with a gun on it) flying virtually side-by-side
at a UN post across the border from Israel.
As soon as the July-August 2006 war between Hizbullah and Israel ended, the supposedly neutral United Nations force in south Lebanon renewed its warm relations with Hizbullah, the “Party of Allah.” Above: a Spanish UN peacekeeper shakes the hand of a Lebanese Hizbullah supporter carrying a Hizbullah flag as he sets out from the village of Kfar Kila, on Sept. 21, 2006, to attend a massive “Hizbullah victory rally” in Beirut the following day.
Nazi-inspired salutes within sight of Israel: This Hizbullah ceremony took place just across the border from Israel. The houses in the background are in the northern Israeli town of Metulla. Are Hizbullah’s supporters in Europe even capable of imagining what an elderly Holocaust survivor who happened to glance across the fence might have felt?
Hizbullah deliberately copied Nazi salutes at their rallies, as well as incorporating passages from Nazi propaganda and from the Russian anti-Semitic forgery, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” into their lexicon. Above, a Hizbullah rally prior to the 2005 Lebanese parliamentary elections.
Above, a still from a Hizbullah election video, 2005. Hizbullah leader
Nasrallah asserted that “The Jews invented the legend of the Nazi
First Hizbullah called for the killing of Jews, then they killed them. Above, the aftermath of the Hizbullah attack on the Haifa railway station on July 16, 2006. Eight Israelis were killed and 23 injured in this direct hit on a train depot. Hizbullah used a rocket with a 40 kilometer range, that can carry a larger amount of explosives than a Katyusha.
Following the example of Palestinian suicide bombers, Hizbullah packed their missiles with a mass of sharp metal objects to try and cause maximum death and internal injuries to their Israeli victims. Above: the damage such metal fragments made to an Israeli car.
Hizbullah indoctrination of the younger generation starts early. Above, coloring books designed to persuade children to attack Israelis. Even though Israel had left Lebanon six years earlier, these books, from 2006, call on children to attack Israel when they grow up.
Before and after: The original photograph of Beirut, left, and on the right, the retouched version by Reuters photographer Adnan Hajj, Aug. 5, 2006. International news agencies blatantly manipulated photos to make it look as though Israel had carried out attacks which it had not. Such photos were then reproduced by media throughout the world. The New York Times, for example, reproduced on its front page the staged image of a burning Koran surrounded by rubble created by a supposed Israeli attack, wrongly suggesting Israel had targeted Muslim holy books and sites.
While The New York Times and other mainstream media “forgot” to mention they were using deceptive “photoshopped” images to portray Israel in a bad light, Chris Britt, cartoonist for The State Journal-Register, Springfield, Illinois, revealed the deception.
After Hizbullah had used up many of its rockets to kill Israelis, much of the world demanded an “immediate ceasefire” which would in effect have given Hizbullah time to rearm. Above, the front page of Britain’s Independent newspaper, in one of its propaganda exercises. (The Independent also “forgot” to place the flags of Canada and other countries not asking for a ceasefire on the right.)
On Oct. 26, 2005, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, addressing “The World without Zionism” conference, called for Israel to be “wiped off the map.” Subsequently he and other senior Iranian officials repeatedly called for Israeli Jews to be exterminated, while promoting the ultimate anti-Semitic lie that the Nazi Holocaust had never occurred.
Even after Iranian President Ahmadinejad had continued to promote Nazi-like stances towards Jews, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan treated him with warmth and respect. Above, the two meet on Sept. 3, 2006 in Teheran.
Kofi Annan also maintained ties with the Iranian-backed Lebanese militia and terror group, Hizbullah. Above, shaking hands with Hizbullah leader Nasrallah, June 20, 2000.
Hizbullah leader Nasrallah and Iranian President Ahmadinejad enjoy one of their frequent tête-à-têtes (above, Aug. 1, 2005, a year before Hizbullah’s devastating attacks on northern Israel). Iran has poured vast amounts of money into Hizbullah since establishing it 24 years ago, as well as providing it with arms and training.
In the summer of 2006, European news media whipped up fury against Israel for defending itself against Hizbullah. As a result of its blatantly one-sided coverage, anti-Semitic attacks increased greatly in Europe and elsewhere. Above, a swastika painted on a Jewish headstone in Germany, which had been erected by Holocaust survivors.
The Germans accusing Israel of having an “aggressive” nature?
Women's Rights, Iranian Style: Iranian women dressed as suicide bombers hold placards with the Hizbullah logo during a demonstration in Teheran, July 31, 2006. Other women, dressed as suicide bombers, punch their fists into the air as they call for Israeli Jews to be murdered.
Demonstrators in New York city from The “Islamic Thinkers
call for Israel to be destroyed by a nuclear bomb (Saturday,
July 22, 2006).
On the same day as the above rally in New York, on the other side of the world the spiritual leader of Australia’s Muslim community, Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali (wearing a brown cape) leads a march through Sydney’s central business district (July 22, 2006). More than 10,000 people, many carrying coffins and signs propagating Holocaust denial, took part.
“We are all Hizbullah,” chanted Islamic fundamentalists and their
sympathizers in a rally in London on the same day, July 22, 2006.
While major international news media such as the BBC engaged in a barrage of untruthful reports and anti-Israel propaganda, cartoonists from some more obscure news outlets presented an accurate grasp of what was really going on. Above, from the Ventura County Star, July 14, 2006.
As Israel was being attacked from the north by Hizbullah, Palestinians were attacking it from the south. Above members of the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, which Fatah leader Yasser Arafat had set up and funded before his death, fire at Israelis (Aug. 8, 2006). Like Hizbullah, they deliberately placed themselves alongside children, using them as human shields to deter an Israeli response.
Weekend activities for kids. Palestinian Child Abuse (Saturday, Sept. 2, 2006).
A Palestinian rally, Sept. 19 2006.
A final comment, from Dry Bones.