Tehran Times today: The phenomenal lie of the “Holocaust” (& Ha’aretz’s dangerous misreporting)

November 10, 2005

* French Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson today in the Tehran Times: “The Jews’ power stems directly from the Western world’s near-total belief in the phenomenal lie of the ‘Holocaust’.”



1. The Tehran Times interviews French Holocaust denier
2. Media reports suggest Israelis knew in advance of attacks on Amman hotels
3. The Los Angeles Times repeats Ha’aretz’s dangerous misreporting today
4. Confirmed: Hizbullah terrorist carried out ’94 Buenos Aires blast
5. Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade support Ahmadinejad comments
6. Public protests against Iranian comments in Italy and Chile
7. A tale of two mayors: Rome and London
8. Kofi Annan cancels his trip to Iran
9. “Bin Laden made a big mistake; I would have attacked Tel Aviv”
10. “Founder of Swedish radio station supports Iranian President” (EJP, Nov. 4, 2005)
11. “Zionist power stems from West’s belief in ‘Holocaust’ myth” (Tehran Times, Nov. 10, 2005)

[Note by Tom Gross]


The Tehran Times today carries an interview with French Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson. The tone of the article can be gauged from the title of the article: “Zionist power stems from the West’s belief in Holocaust myth: Faurisson”.

In the interview (attached in full below), Faurisson argues that the more the Western public believes in the “Holocaust” the more Muslims will be killed.


In an article on the Ha’aretz website published last night at 00.45 Israel time, Ha’aretz journalist Yoav Stern claimed that “A number of Israelis staying on Wednesday at the Radisson hotel [attacked by a suicide bomber in Amman] were evacuated before the bombing by Jordanian security forces, apparently due to a specific security alert.”

A few hours later, Ha’aretz changed this news item to say that there was “no truth” in these reports that Israel had advanced warning. Nevertheless, some Arab websites, including Al Jazeera and the Kuwait News Agency, have today included articles on their home pages claiming that Israelis were evacuated and did know in advance.

Ha’aretz is clearly totally out of touch with the way that the anti-Semitic press in the Middle East and elsewhere exploits their misreporting. This is not the first time this has happened.

This also seems to be a repeat of the stories that have circulated the Arab World since 9/11 that the “Jews knew of the coming terrorist attack” and stayed away from the World Trade Center.

This email list also covered the (completely false) claim that then Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was “warned” in advance of the July bomb attacks on London transport. See the dispatch As bombs rock London, Bin Laden’s brother says he will pay for his defense (July 7, 2005).


This new incorrect story was also repeated today by the Los Angeles Times (www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-bombings10nov10,0,2022733.story?coll=la-home-headlines) with the line that “The Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz reported that Israelis staying at the Radisson on Wednesday had been evacuated before the attacks and escorted back home ‘apparently due to a specific security threat.’”

In fact, al-Qaeda has claimed responsibility for the three simultaneous suicide bombs that killed at least 56 people in three hotels in Amman, Jordan. The al- Qaeda claim said Jordan became a target because it was “a backyard garden for the enemies of the religion, Jews and crusaders ... a filthy place for the traitors ... and a center for prostitution,” according to The Associated Press.

Among the dead was an Arab-Israeli businessman, Husam Fathi Mahajna, 40, from the nothern Israeli town of Umm al-Fahm, who was a guest at a wedding held at the Radisson Hotel.

Two high-ranking Palestinian security officials, a senior Palestinian banker and the commercial attache at the Palestinian embassy in Cairo also died in the bombings in Jordan, the Palestinian envoy to Amman said today. Major-General Bashir Nafeh, the head of military intelligence in the West Bank, and Colonel Abed Allun, a Preventive Security Forces official, were killed in the attack at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Ambassador Attala Kheri said. Nafeh runs one of the smaller PA security agencies, with about 1,000 officers. Palestinian Military intelligence has dealt mostly with espionage and dissidence and many of its officers were active in the Palestinian war against Israel. In total, the three Amman suicide bombings left 57 dead and 110 injured.

The BBC have repeatedly called the Amman attacks, “terror” attacks. It has strenuously avoided calling Israeli civilians killed moments before their wedding in recent years (such as Nava Appelbaum, killed with her father by a suicide bomber in Jerusalem on September 9, 2003 as she prepared for her wedding) victims of terror attacks.


A Hizbullah terrorist has been identified as the suicide bomber who destroyed the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires in 1994. This was Argentina’s worst ever terrorist attack and led to the deaths of 85 people, mainly Jews.

Argentinean prosecutor Alberto Nisman said that Ibrahim Hussein Berro, a 21-year-old Lebanese citizen who “belonged to Hizbullah,” drove the van packed with explosives on July 18, 1994, when it exploded outside the Argentine Israeli Mutual Aid Association.

In 1994, even more than today, the Lebanese terrorist group Hizbullah was under the complete de facto control of Iran.

In a separate development, Argentine President Nestor Kirchner has announced that he is planning to visit Israel for the first time in early 2006, a trip he hopes will further deepen Argentine-Israeli relations.

Dispatches on this list have previously looked at the 1994 bomb in Buenos Aires. For example, see “Menem took Iranian bribes in Jewish bombing” claim (January 24, 2002).


The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades – an armed wing of Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah movement – have stressed their “solidarity, their support and their general backing to the stands and statements of the Iranian President, who called for the destruction of Israel.”

A leaflet distributed by the Al-Aqsa Brigade in Gaza, echoed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s call for Israel to be “wiped off the map”. The leaflet comes as the Palestinian Authority absorbs hundreds of Al Aqsa members into its official security forces.


In recent days, an estimated 10,000 Italians staged a torchlight protest outside the Iranian embassy in Rome, objecting to the comments made by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at a Conference in Tehran titled “The world without Zionism.”

In an interview with Corriera della Serra, the Italian Foreign Minister Gianfranco Fini, who did not attend the demonstration, commented that “when one denies a nation’s right to exist, one is also questioning the right of the people living there to live.”

A thousand people also demonstrated on behalf of Israel’s right to exist in front of the Iranian embassy in Chile last weekend.


Rome’s Mayor, Walter Veltroni, who took part in the demonstration held in front of the Iranian embassy, declared: “It is only normal that I am here. Any city such as Rome favoring peace and dialogue must oppose this kind of statements. It is forbidden to ignore the Iranian president’s statements.”

Not surprisingly there has been no similar declaration from London Mayor Ken Livingstone. Livingstone, despite proclaiming to be a leftist, is regarded by many British Jews and others as more closely resembling an old fashioned anti-Semite of the populist-Fascist kind.

(The previous international reaction to the Iranian calls for Israel to be “wiped off the map” was covered in the dispatch on this email list of November 1, 2005, titled Israel receives surprisingly strong international support over Ahmadinejad comments.)


Kofi Annan has cancelled his trip to Iran. UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said that Annan had decided it was “not an appropriate time” for him to visit, citing the “ongoing controversy” over President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s remarks about Israel.

However, the Iranians insist that they cancelled the trip. The official Iranian news agency claimed that Annan’s comments critical of Iran were made “under the influence of American officials.”

Annan’s revised travel schedule includes Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and Pakistan, with a brief stop in Paris to meet with French President Jacques Chirac.


In addition to the Tehran Times Holocaust denial article, I also attach below an article on Ahmed Rami, the founder of the Swedish radio station, Radio Islam. Rami says that he supports Ahmadinejad’s comments that Israel should be “wiped off the map”.

Rami also says that he supports Osama Bin Laden but laments the fact that “Bin Laden made a big mistake by attacking America. I would have personally attacked Tel Aviv because the American people are innocent, they are just victims of the Jews.”

His words echo similar comments made in an interview broadcast on September 30 on the Hizbullah TV station Al-Manar.

I attach two articles, with a summary of the first one.

-- Tom Gross




“Founder of Swedish radio station supports Iranian President” (By Susanna Abramowicz and David Dahan, European Jewish Press, November 4, 2005)

A Moroccan Muslim who runs a Swedish website under investigation for its anti-Semitic content has spoken of his support for Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s call to “wipe Israel off the map”.

Ahmed Rami, who originally established Radio Islam in 1987 as a public access radio station to serve the Muslim community in Sweden, has a history of anti-Jewish provocation...

In a telephone interview, Rami expressed his backing for Ahmadinejad comments which caused massive worldwide outcry last week.

Rami said he supports the Iranian leader’s ideas but would have formulated it in “a more diplomatic way”.

“I do not have problems with the Swedish justice but rather with the Jews,” he said.

“I think Judaism is criminal and racist. You are the new Nazis.”

... The website features a “Jew register” of 3,900 names of individuals who are claimed to be part of the “Israeli network” that control Swedish politics and media...



Zionist power stems from West’s belief in “Holocaust” myth: Faurisson
Tehran Times Political Desk
Tehran Times
November 10, 2005


Following the designation of a day as “Holocaust Day” by the United Nations, the Mehr News Agency conducted an interview with French professor Robert Faurisson on November 2 about the motivations behind this move. In the interview, the professor says that Zionists will not tolerate any questioning of the “Holocaust” and argues that the more the Western public believes in the “Holocaust” the more Muslims will be killed.

Following is the text of the interview:

Q: As you know the UN General Assembly on Tuesday (November 1) passed a resolution designating January 27 as an international day of commemoration of the Jewish and other victims of the Holocaust. What is your view on the decision at this time?

Faurisson: For many years now I have been telling my acquaintances in the Muslim world that the Jews and the Zionists want to impose the religion of the alleged “Holocaust” of the Jews on the whole world. It is normal that Jews and Zionists should seek to foist such an imposture on us, for it is the sword and the shield of the Jews in general and of the Jewish State in particular. It is also normal that the Jews and the Zionists should have got the UN to submit to their will to power and so decree that every year the six billion people who inhabit the Earth shall be reminded of the “Holocaust”. The Muslim world has been awakening from its too long torpor for only a few years. It ought to have listened to the revisionists long ago and denounced out loud the sham of an alleged German project to exterminate the Jews, the alleged Nazi gas chambers and the alleged six million Jewish victims.

Q: The Holocaust is (claimed) alleged to have happened in Europe so why is its commemoration being set by an international body like the UN?

Faurisson: Allow me to tell you that your question tends to prove that you haven’t understood the warnings given by the revisionists. Whenever I, for my part, told Muslims: “Be revisionists! Support the revisionists! Try to understand that it’s in your interest to do so”, they would respond saying: “All that doesn’t concern us. It’s a matter between Europeans or Westerners, Jews or Christians. It happened in Europe.” For me, such an answer was discouraging but I would come charging back saying: “Open your eyes! What makes for the strength of the Jewish State is the political support, rooted in supposedly ethical grounds, that it enjoys in the entire Western world, where people feel sorry for the Jews because they believe that, during the Second World War, the Germans sought to exterminate them physically, in particular in the alleged gas chambers (not to be confused with the cremation ovens, which did actually exist and about which there was positively nothing criminal).” If the whole world – in particular, Germany and the United States – lays out so much money to the Jewish State and if the media of all the Western countries overwhelm us with propaganda about the “Holocaust”, it’s because the citizens of all those Western countries, swamped with Jewish propaganda as they are, believe the “Holocaust” lie and, as long as they believe it, will feel bound to support the Jews and to supply the Jewish State and the Jewish Army with ever more money and arms. The more those in the West believe in the “Holocaust”, the more Muslims they will kill and cause to be killed in Palestine, in Afghanistan, in Iraq or elsewhere.

Q: The resolution was first proposed by Australia, Canada, Israel, Russia and the United States, but it was also supported by former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John C. Danforth and Congressman Tom Lantos, a Democrat from California, who belongs to the Jewish lobby; in view of these facts, how do you assess Jewish power on the international scene with regard to the issue?

Faurisson: The Jews’ power stems directly from the Western world’s near-total belief in the phenomenal lie of the “Holocaust”. You needn’t look any further.

Q: Mr. Faurisson, I know that like some other revisionists, such as Ernest Zundel, you have been attacked and beaten by Jewish militia for saying that the Holocaust is “the hoax of the twentieth century” and asking “Show me or draw me a Nazi gas chamber! Stop giving me just words”. If the Holocaust story is true, why don’t the Jews tolerate other points of view on the issue?

Faurisson: The Jews do not tolerate any questioning of the “Holocaust”. Against the revisionists they use physical violence and judicial repression because, on the level of historical and scientific argumentation, they have been defeated hands down by the revisionists. We have been able to expose their lies, one by one. Therefore Jews and Zionists seek refuge in violence and intimidation. They treat revisionists like Palestinians.

Q: What has to be done on the international scene by Islamic countries to oppose such practices?

Faurisson: My answer is simple: Islamic countries need to destroy the Jews’ and Zionists’ veritable “atomic weapon”, that is, the appalling and gigantic imposture of the “Holocaust” that up to now has been poisoning the Western world and is henceforth imposed on us by the UN in the entire world. In your public demonstrations and talks, repeat after the revisionists: “The ‘Holocaust’ is a lie”. Have the courage to proclaim this salutary truth.


Robert Faurisson is Europe’s leading Holocaust revisionist scholar. He was educated at the Paris Sorbonne, and served as associate professor at the University of Lyon in France from 1974 until 1990. He is a recognized specialist of text and document analysis. After years of private research and study, Dr. Faurisson first made public his skeptical views about the Holocaust extermination story in articles published in 1978 in the French daily Le Monde. His writings on the Holocaust issue have appeared in two books and numerous scholarly articles, many of which have been published in the IHR’s Journal of Historical Review.

Known as the dean of the world-wide devisionist movement and principal teacher of Ernst Zundel, Dr. Faurisson first discovered the technical and architectural drawings of the Auschwitz morgues, the crematories and other installations. He was also the first to insist that only a U.S. gas chamber expert could unravel the technical impossibility of the Auschwitz homicidal gassing story – as falsely told to the public for over half a century. Zundel mentor, advisor and trial witness in the 1984 preliminary hearings and in the 1985 and 1988 Great Holocaust Trials. Slated as expert witness for the 1991 Munich trial of Ernst Zundel.



Founder of Swedish radio station supports Iranian President
By Susanna Abramowicz and David Dahan
European Jewish Press
November 4, 2005


A Moroccan Muslim who runs a Swedish website under investigation for its anti-Semitic content has spoken of his support for Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s call to “wipe Israel off the map”.

Ahmed Rami, who originally established Radio Islam in 1987 as a public access radio station to serve the Muslim community in Sweden, has a history of anti-Jewish provocation.

Three years after Radio Islam was first launched the anti-Semitic content of Rami’s radio broadcasts was found by the Swedish courts to constitute incitement against Jews. He was then sentenced to six months in prison.

Following numerous complaints, police have now launched a new investigation into the provocative nature of the website which Rami founded in 1996.

“It is very worrying that Radio Islam has been able to continue its criminal activities, now in the form of a hateful website. The fact that the prosecuting authorities decided not to prosecute, because of lack of evidence last summer was a disappointment, ” Thomas Bab, executive director of the Stockholm Jewish community, told EJP.

Swedish minister for Justice, Thomas Bodstrom, has expressed in Parliament that hate crimes should be given priority when prosecuting offenders.

“The Jews of Sweden hope that this promise will be acted upon,” Bab added.

The website includes comments such as “Jews have been commanded by their God to commit genocide”, that the Jews “exert media terrorism in Europe and the US” and that “the Holocaust is a Zionist conspiracy.”

Featuring translations of Rami’s articles in several European languages, it also has an online library which comprises texts like “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”.

In a telephone interview, Rami expressed his backing for Ahmadinejad comments which caused massive worldwide outcry last week.

Rami said he supports the Iranian leader’s ideas but would have formulated it in “a more diplomatic way”.

“I do not have problems with the Swedish justice but rather with the Jews,” he said.

“I think Judaism is criminal and racist. You are the new Nazis.”

Rami also said that he supported Osama Bin Laden adding that, “Bin Laden made a big mistake by attacking America. I would have personally attacked Tel Aviv because the American people are innocent, they are just victims of the Jews.”

His words echo similar comments made in an interview broadcast on 30 September on the Hezbollah TV station Al-Manar.

In the interview he stated that “Judaism is not a religion and that it is a criminal and dangerous mafia.”

He also said that he is “fighting for freedom of speech for everybody in Sweden”.

“The Koran says that our battle is with the Jews. Zionism is not mentioned in the Koran. Our war is against the Jews,” he added.

Swedish state prosecutor Tora Holst, who has been informed of the interview, said that she will look into the investigation again to see if a case for the prosecution can be made.

A number of reports have been made to the police about the website, including by the Swedish Organisation for Survivors of the Holocaust, which is also considering filing a civil suit against Radio Islam.

The website features a “Jew register” of 3,900 names of individuals who are claimed to be part of the “Israeli network” that control Swedish politics and media.

“There is absolutely no doubt that Radio Islam’s anti-Semitic website contains plenty of material that constitute incitement against Jews. All forces of good must be used in the struggle to prevent Radio Islam’s activities that are not only humiliating to Jews but downright dangerous,” Jesper Svartvik, chairman of the Swedish Committee against Anti-Semitism, told EJP.

The Swedish Law of Personal Information prohibits the publicising of personal information about individuals such as racial or ethnic background and religious affiliation.

The Swedish prosecutors in the case have, however, encountered difficulties in proving that Rami is still in charge of the website. Although several of his articles appear there, Rami has denied any current involvement with Radio Islam.

Until 1997 the website was registered in Rami’s name, but was later transferred to the American Islam Society.

All notes and summaries copyright © Tom Gross. All rights reserved.