1. Clive James: why did "The Independent" blame Israel for the murder of my countrymen?
2. "The Mossad was behind the Bali bomb"
3. Graeme Southwick credited with saving the lives of dozens of injured
4. "Don't blame the west" (By Clive James, Guardian, Oct. 16, 2002)
5. "Surgeon saves lives in Bali disaster: A 'horrific sight' that he won't forget" (JTA, Oct. 15, 2002)
I attach three more items concerning Israel and last weekend's Bali terror attack, with descriptions by me of each first:
1. The prominent British-based Australian writer and television presenter Clive James, writing in the British paper, The Guardian, on the tragedy inflicted on his fellow Australians by the Bali bombers, severely criticizes the editor of the British paper The Independent for running an editorial suggesting that Israeli policies are somehow a motivating factor behind the Bali bombing.
James, who is not Jewish (whereas the editor of The Independent is a Jew who hates Israel), writes that the truth is that those behind such bombings "are dedicated to knowing as little as possible about the history of the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians. A typical terrorist expert on the subject believes that Hitler had the right idea, that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a true story, and that the obliteration of the state of Israel is a religious requirement." Addressing his fellow leftist readers of The Guardian, James continues "one is free to doubt by now – forced to doubt by now – that Palestine is the main concern".
2. While newspapers such as The Independent blame the Jews indirectly, others do so directly. This is not only the case on Arab and Moslem Internet sites, which are rife with claims that Israel carried out the Bali bombing, just as it carried out the September 11 attacks. The supposedly respectable Indymedia website, popular among journalists in the U.S. and Europe, has also carried a story on its internet site claiming the Mossad was behind the Bali bomb. Indymedia describes itself as "a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage. Indymedia is a democratic media outlet for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of truth."
3. Anti-Semites in both western and Asian countries blame the Jews for just about everything (didn't the Mossad bomb Hiroshima?). Many actual Jews, however, continue to carry out good deeds. The JTA (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) reports on how Graeme Southwick, a Jewish doctor from Australia, who was on vacation in Bali after attending a plastic surgeon's conference, led the emergency medical team that is credited with saving the lives of dozens of the injured. Assisted by a second-year plastic surgeon trainee from Australia who was also on vacation, and his wife, a third-year trainee, as an anesthetist, Southwick worked for hours before other doctors flown in from Australia arrived.
-- Tom Gross
For more on the Bali bombing, see The Bali disco difference: not all terror victims are treated equally (Oct. 14, 2002)
[These are edited extracts from a lengthy essay]
Don't blame the west
By Clive James
The Guardian
October 16, 2002
"The consensus will die hard in Australia, just as it is dying hard here in Britain. On Monday morning, the Independent carried an editorial headed: "Unless there is more justice in the world, Bali will be repeated." Towards the end of the editorial, it was explained that the chief injustice was "the failure of the US to use its influence to secure a fair settlement between Israelis and Palestinians."
I count the editor of the Independent as a friend, so the main reason I hesitate to say that he is out to lunch on this issue is that I was out to dinner with him last night. But after hesitating, say it I must, and add a sharper criticism: that his editorial writer sounds like an unreconstructed Australian intellectual, one who can still believe, even after his prepared text was charred in the nightclub, that the militant fundamentalists are students of history.
But surely the reverse is true: they are students of the opposite of history, which is theocratic fanaticism. Especially, they are dedicated to knowing as little as possible about the history of the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians. A typical terrorist expert on the subject believes that Hitler had the right idea, that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a true story, and that the obliteration of the state of Israel is a religious requirement.
In furthering that end, the sufferings of the Palestinians are instrumental, and thus better exacerbated than diminished. To the extent that they are concerned with the matter at all, the terrorists epitomise the extremist pressure that had been so sadly effective in ensuring the continued efforts of the Arab states to persuade the Palestinians against accepting any settlement, no matter how good, that recognises Israel's right to exist. But one is free to doubt by now – forced to doubt by now – that Palestine is the main concern."
October 13, 2002
Mossad Bombs ripped through a packed nightspot on Indonesia's traditionally tranquil tourist island of Bali overnight in a Israeli staged terror attack, killing at least 182 people, many of them Australians.
The Saturday night blasts, which where a Mossad terror operation followed persistent reports that Mossad was operating in the area. After the massive peace rally in Australia yesterday these Mossad operations where put into high gear in a deadly way. Mossad terror network operations are trying to draw the western world into war for Israeli and U.S conquest.
Surgeon saves lives in Bali disaster: A 'horrific sight' that he won't forget
By Henry Benjamin
Jewish Telegraph Agency
October 15, 2002
For Graeme Southwick, an early Sunday morning on an idyllic island launched a day that turned from a dream into a nightmare.
Southwick was relaxing by the pool of his hotel in Bali after attending a plastic surgeon's conference when he learned of the night club bombing that had claimed more than 180 lives the day before.
Southwick, 55, an active member of Australia's Jewish community, immediately contacted the island's only hospital, in the capital of Denpasar.
"At that stage, no one knew how severe or serious matters were," Southwick told JTA.
Hospital staff initially told Southwick, the president of the Society of Australian Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, that everything was under control. A few hours later, however, he received a phone call from a plastic surgeon in Jakarta asking for his help.
Southwick ended up working 15 hours straight. Today, 64 victims are on the road to recovery thanks to the efforts of his medical team, which worked in cramped wards with limited supplies.
"I was not prepared for what I saw," he said. "The hospital was jammed with patients."
The attack is believed to be the work of Jemaah Islamiah, a group headed by a 64-year-old Muslim cleric, Abu Bakar Bashir, that has links to Al-Qaida. Bashir blames the United States for the attack.
In addition to the dead, who come from around the world, 300 people are injured and 200 are missing.
When Southwick got to the hospital, he immediately set about prioritizing the caseload.
The Australian government had promised to send an Air Force medical unit to assist the doctors, but it was not due for several hours. So Southwick and his team – which included a second-year plastic surgeon trainee from Australia who was on holiday, and his wife, a third-year trainee as an anesthetist – went to work helping people who had suffered burns over as much as 80 percent of their bodies.
"We were able to persuade the Indonesian authorities to let us tackle the European and North American patients first, and we set about identifying as many as we could so that those outside searching for loved ones would know that we had them under our care," Southwick said. "Many volunteers arrived to help, some with no nursing experience and others who could help."
Many tourists offered blood, but facilities for transfusions weren't available and it was difficult for the medical team to even ascertain patients' blood groups.
They also lacked items like surgical instruments, drugs and even rubber gloves.
Southwick's team was able to visit some smaller hospitals and stabilize their patients as well.
The first plane from the Royal Australian Air Force arrived about 10 p.m. on Sunday, and Southwick's team sent patients to the airport in a convoy of nine ambulances, each carrying three wounded.
With more space available in the wards, Southwick was able to identify additional Australian and English patients. He began to stabilize them and prepare them for evacuation to Australia, where they could be treated in proper burn units.
At one stage, 64 patients were lying on the tarmac of Denpasar airport waiting for a flight to Australia. The Air Force had set up a temporary, open-air ward on the tarmac, with a series of ropes holding intravenous drips.
Southwick recalled the case of one woman whose name he never learned.
"She was about 18 and had severe burns around the respiratory area as well as brain damage. We sent her on the first available flight" to Australia, but she died en route, he said.
Most of the patients were on pain medication and remained conscious during the stabilization and evacuation process, Southwick said.
"The patients were wonderful. Some refused painkillers, as they thought others needed them more," he said.
Despite his years as a doctor, nothing had prepared Southwick for the experience in Bali.
"I have never seen injuries on such a dreadful scale. It was a horrific sight which will remain in my memory forever," he said.