The amazing Waad Al-Kateab

September 08, 2016


[Note by Tom Gross]

Warning: there are distressing images in both the videos below.

There is only music, no spoken commentary in this first two minute video broadcast on Britain’s Channel 4 News yesterday, as a little Syrian girl shakes after another chemical attack by the Assad regime.

The video was taken by the amazing Waad Al-Kateab, who is documenting these crimes against humanity. You can watch her previous work here:

* Children of Aleppo: the baby born in a barrel bomb attack


It is not only Iran and Russia who, with their client Assad regime, are behind these crimes against humanity. The Obama administration and his cheerleaders in the American media who have applauded him for not creating a no-fly zone, are also responsible in these awful crimes which show no sign of ending.

Assad’s five-year-long war against his own people using chemical and other heinous weapons on his own cities, is probably the worst crime of the 21st century to date. Obama’s deal with the Iranian regime in the summer of 2015 released hundreds of millions of dollars which have -- as I and others predicted -- been used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to fund and supply large number of troops and weapons to Assad, which is why the Syrian regime aided by Iran and Hizbullah has greatly increased the killing of Syrian Sunnis and the ethnic cleansing of millions of other Sunnis into Europe and neighboring Arab states.

In private, I am told, Hillary Clinton is critical about Obama’s moral and strategic failure and lack of leadership in his foreign policy. She has long supported a no-fly zone in Syria.

But Clinton is so concerned about the editorial pages of the New York Times and elsewhere criticizing her should she publically distance herself from the president’s Syria policy, that she is largely staying silent on this issue.

The BBC’s chief Middle East correspondent Jeremy Bowen is also complicit in failing to explain what is going on in Syria. He reported on Syria yesterday without mentioning once that it is the Iranian regime that is the chief director of operations of most of the crimes there, not Assad. Without understanding this, one can’t understand the Syrian conflict, or how to solve it.

-- Tom Gross


See also:

* UN pays tens of millions to Assad regime under Syria aid programme

* Iran sending Iraqi Shia Families to Syria to Change Demographics


* Please “like” these dispatches on Facebook here, where you can also find other items that are not in these dispatches.

All notes and summaries copyright © Tom Gross. All rights reserved.